Heel That Pain – Plantar Fasciitis

What is Plantar Fasciitis? Plantar Fasciitis is a repetitive strain injury to the thick band of connective tissue, called the Plantar Fascia, which runs underneath the foot and gives extra support and stability when standing and walking. As it is a major load bearing structure of the foot it is predisposed to strain, especially during…

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What are the benefits of gait retraining and can it reduce the risk of injury? The idea behind gait retraining is to change elements of your running gait technique or style in order to effect a change, leading either to improvements in performance or a reduction in the risk of injury. As runners we are…

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Let’s talk about – Ankle Sprains

What is an ankle sprain?   An ankle sprain happens when the foot rolls out excessively, causing the supporting ligaments on the outside of the ankle to stretch and tear. This usually happens when walking on uneven ground or participating in sports. How do I know if I’ve got one? There will usually be a…

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  Recently I have had a couple of runners call in, both claiming to have problems with their Achilles tendon, and in both cases it wasn’t that at all! Very reasonable assumptions from them as the pain was in that area, but a careful taking of the injury history followed by a detailed examination revealed…

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When and how to return to running after a running injury   How do I get there from here? A common concern expressed by injured runners I see is how to manage their recovery back to running after a lay off. Obviously it is not sensible to go straight back to preinjury levels of running,…

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